Federal Transit Administration

Security and Emergency Management Technical Assistance Program

Security & Emergency Preparedness
Washington, D.C.
Federal Transit Administration

TRA served as a leader of the team for the Federal Transit Administration (FTA)’s Security and Emergency Management Technical Assistance program, designed to provide the largest transit agencies in the United States with agency-specific emergency response procedures, counter-terrorism response procedures, and security technical assistance. TRA led efforts in the areas of terrorism preparedness training and procedure development, and developed several guidance documents that have been adopted as the standard for the transit. TRA also developed first responder design cards, employee threat awareness cards, and passenger awareness tips, and assisted systems to develop basic Security and Emergency Preparedness Plans and procedures and developed drills and exercise scenarios and related documentation.

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With a wealth of industry knowledge and experience, our experts have the skills to solve even the most complex problems. Let us know how TRA can help you meet your goals and improve results.

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